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The Studio (mdr)east

5 (34 reviews) 349 Views Pilates Studio Culver City, California

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The Studio (mdr)east

34 Reviews
Jacquelyn Aleece
I just took my very first class last week and immediately after class I signed up for unlimited monthly class package because I knew I wouldn't be able to get enough! First of all, when you walk in and look around and you see nothing but people with amazing bodies you know IT MUST WORK! Secondly, I literally was a walk-in off of the street and went inside to ask a few questions and the font desk staff was SO FRIENDLY and WELCOMING and helped me schedule my first class for that same day...honestly, it was the best first impression that I've ever had at any business. I was a little bit intimidated because I had never done traditional Pilates and had no idea what a megaformer was but so far I've taken class with two different teachers and they have BOTH been incredible. I know I'm raving and raving but I'm somebody who literally HATES going to the gym and would torture myself for not going and on the days I would drag myself there it felt like punishment and would be bored to tears. These classes FLY by and I don't even know if they have a clock up because I've never wanted to look...too busy working muscles I didn't even know I had! I can't say enough fabulous things about everybody at this business and the workout they provide! Happy new member!
Casie Little
This is the best workout and best gym ever! I found it on ClassPass about a year ago when I started working out for the first time after a really bad arm injury (and also needed to get in shape for my wedding) and it changed my life! The classes are super challenging at first but when I switched from sporadically signing up through ClassPass to getting a monthly membership and going consistently I saw dramatic results. All of the instructors are awesome, especially Yumi's 5 and 6 am classes. I'm not even a morning person but I go to sleep excited to wake up and go workout, which is definitely not typical of most workouts I've tried!

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Location of The Studio (mdr)east

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The Studio (MDR)East,13357 Washington Blvd,Culver City, CA 90066
22.00 Avg. Price / day

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