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Western Wellness

4.5 (37 reviews) 1731 Views Yoga Retreat Melbourne, Victoria

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Western Wellness

37 Reviews
Jayden Genuis
Earlier in the year I started my weight loss journey, and I was doing well until I got to a point where I felt like this is it! This is the time im going to keep it off, better my life and break through what is stopping me from achieving that, I felt I was lacking passion, drive, enthusiasm and I knew there was a reason I why I continued to put weight back on. I knew that I needed help and I knew what I was lacking in my life, I knew I needed to transform my life in order to be who I ultimately wanted to be, so I went online looking for an answer. It didn’t take me long before I found the Western Wellness 90 Day TRANFORM YOU Program, after some research and speculation I rang up and booked an appointment….from their on, I never knew just how much I would change, how much I would learn and how much the program would change me. The program for me provided countless benefits and today I consider it one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life so far. I learned how much pressure I put on myself and how much I blamed others for my past. I found I was setting too high expectations in order for me to be satisfied with myself or feel worthy. Through the program I discovered Meditation and saying affirmations which have been more effective than I could have realised. Doing meditation completely calmed my mind and what help focus on other aspects of my life; it also helped me dig deep when it came to doing homework that was set from the previous session. In the earlier weeks it was hard to find answers for the homework that was required, but I eventually got into a flow and was able to answer them in more detail. Letting go of the things that no longer served me proved to quite a challenge and took a while to get used to, but today I would have it no other way. The sessions were very well structured and I had the best life coach I could have asked for, Maria has helped me more than I can imagine and I am so grateful that I have had her support the whole way through. I personally found it quite easy to experience myself in situations that my old identity would have done differently, it was until after the event or conversation would I realise “Wow! Ive really changed these last few months”. This is something I think everyone should do who find themselves stuck, facing life’s challenges or who have given up on life, like myself. I discovered so much about myself these last three months and am so proud that Im well on my way to becoming the person I want to be. I also recommend attending Meditation at Western Wellness, this really helped me through tough times and helped me clear my thoughts and make decisions I’m glad I made today. If I had to do the program all over again from Day One, I would do it in a heartbeat, I can’t thank Maria and Western Wellness enough for changing my life for the better and I look forward to experiencing my new identity and my new life in my brighter
Katrina Galang, Altona Meadows
My natural birth plan went out the window, 12hrs post my membranes rupturing my labour hadn’t started so I needed to get induced. Contractions did not move labour along so after 6hrs of non moving contractions and every drug offered I went for the epidural, then after a nap and 4hrs, it was time for pushing, which wasn’t very effective since I was so tired and eventually forceps assisted bub to arrive on our world! I practiced calm birthing and every contraction was a positive exciting experience I visualized myself meditating during a yoga class during most of these contractions, the breathing techniques picked up with yoga was very effective! I would not have had such a positive experience over such long slows hours if it wasn’t for my yoga practice! Even throughout pregnancy yoga was the best thing I ever did for myself, instead of feeling like a flumpy fatty thing I felt like every body system used to carry bubs was supported and this made my self esteem, self image (through better posture and body mobility) such a positive experience! Many thanks to you for all the support, positivity and this bliss state of mind.

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102/22-30 Wallace Ave, Point Cook VIC 3030, Australia
AUD 5.00 Avg. Price / day

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